Awesome List of Useful Node-RED Nodes

This is a list of nodes that you can add to the excellent Node-RED application. Node-RED is a flow-based application builder that minimises the need for coding. One or mode nodes is added using a Node.JS/npm module. Once installed, the nodes can be added to a flow using the Node-RED admin interface.

These nodes are ones that I either already use or think that I might find useful in the future or that I find awesome for some other reason. That’s not to say that you would find them useful or even usable, this is only my opinion not a professional recommendation.

See also my list of nodes to avoid!



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Data Transformation

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Data Extraction

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User Interface Builders

Node-RED provides an administrative and editing interface for authoring flows but has no end-user interface by default. These nodes add the capacity to easily build such an interface by creating web end-points.

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Web APIs

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There are a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) nodes as this was the starting point for Node-RED within IBM.

Google Home, Alexa, RFXtrx433E (and other 433MHz trancievers), serial, usb, OpenHAB, MQTT, Hue, Wemos

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Node Development and Testing

Nodes and other tools to help with the development and debugging of new nodes.

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Corrections and Contributions

Thanks for your help and support.


MIT License

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