Security and Privacy Services and Applications to Avoid

This is a list of applications and Web or Cloud services and systems that I will personally be avoiding due to security or privacy issues! That’s not to say that you might not find them useful or usable, this is only my opinion not a professional recommendation.

They show serious security flaws of some kind or they have poor privacy implications. You should also check out my other avoid lists so please check out the master list.



Nothing yet.

Need Care

These applications and services require care in use. They are very likely to require careful configuration to avoid privacy and security issues but are useful enough not to simply avoid.

You really should assume that any application or service requires care. When you start using something, check how it communicates and what data is kept or transmitted. The EFF Privacy Starter Pack is a good place to start understanding how to stay safe. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and ActionFraud are two other useful places to find easy to consume resources on security.

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