Please note that this version of the site is no longer being updated. All content has been merged with my IT Blog "Much Ado About IT". Click here to see this page on the other site. I've found that using Jekyll to be too fragile and complex. GitHub pages are too limited. The blog site was on WordPress (self-hosted) but that was too slow and clunky. The revamped blog now uses Hugo and is published using Netlify
How to generate a list of collection documents
The following code automatically generates a list of collection documents.
It assumes that the collection uses `output: true` and optionally includes a collection title and description defined in the `_config.yml` configuration file.
collection_doc_lister.html include file
Create this as a file in your _includes folder
{% assign colName = include.collection %}
{% assign col = site.collections | where: 'label',colName | first %}
<div class="collection-list">
{% if col %}
{% assign collection = site[col.label] %}
{% assign colTitle = col.title | default: colName | replace: '_',' ' | replace: '-', ' ' | capitalize %}
<h2><a href="{{ colName | prefix: '/' | append: '/' }}">{{ colTitle }}</a></h2>
{% if col.description %}<p>{{ col.description }}</p>{% endif %}
{% for item in collection | sort: "title" %}
{% assign mytitle = item.title | default: item.url %}
<a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ mytitle | replace:'_',' ' | replace:'-',' ' }}</a> {% if %}({{ | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}){% endif %}
<p>{% if item.description %}
{{ item.description }}
{% else %}
{{ item.excerpt | strip_html }}
{% endif %}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>There is no site collection called <code>{{ colName }}</code>.</p>
{% endif %}
Using the include file
To use, place the following code wherever you want a list of the output files - such as the for the collection folder.
{% include collection_doc_lister.html collection='github-pages' %}
Note the reference to the collection name which is passed to the include file.