Please note that this version of the site is no longer being updated. All content has been merged with my IT Blog "Much Ado About IT". Click here to see this page on the other site. I've found that using Jekyll to be too fragile and complex. GitHub pages are too limited. The blog site was on WordPress (self-hosted) but that was too slow and clunky. The revamped blog now uses Hugo and is published using Netlify

A Page to test things

GitHub pages use Jekyll but not all features are available. This page is for testing what works and what doesn\'t

Do we get site variables defined in _config.yml? Not everything.

✔ 'site.remote-theme': --minima--
✔ 'site.title': --Totally Information: Development Hub--
✔ 'site.disqus.shortname': ----
× '': ---- : Nothing from collections is directly accessible.

✔ Do we get the Jekyll Environment data? Yes

✔ 'jekyll.environment': --production-- : should give "production" on GitHub Pages.
✔ 'jekyll.version': --3.7.3--

Do we get all the page variables for this Page? Nope.

✔ 'page.url': --/ghjekyll/test.html--
✔ 'page.layout': --home-- : Default for this collection is "page" but set to "home" in front matter - should show "home"
✔ 'page.path': --ghjekyll/
× '': --2018-01-02 14:20:00 +0000-- : Should be auto-set according to docs but apparently not.

Custom variables set in _config.yml or front matter? Only available to actual Pages and NOT TO COLLECTION DOCUMENTS!

× 'page.title': --A Page to test things-- : This is set in this page's front matter, it should be available!
× 'page.description': --GitHub pages use Jekyll but not all features are available. This page is for testing what works and what doesn\'t-- : This is set in this page's front matter, it should be available!
× 'page.comments': --false-- : Is set in this page as false but is, instead showing true which is the default
× 'page.borderColor2': --silver--: Is set in this page's front matter, it should be available!

Local assigned variables? Yes.

✔ 'borderColor': --silver-- : Is set in an assignment tag so is available.

Only available in collection documents

✔ '': ---- : Should be set for documents in a collection or a post.
✔ 'page.collection': ---- : Should be set for documents in a collection or a post.

Only available in actual pages (not a collection document)

✔ 'page.dir': --/ghjekyll/--
✔ '':

✔ Do we get the forloop variables?

Urm, nope!

Color filters? Nope, they don't work

× Should change #7ab55c to rgb(122, 181, 92)
× #7ab55c colour brightness (should be 153.21): #7ab55c
× Modify: Should modify green to orange
× Lighten: Should modify green to pale green

Money filters? Nope, they don't work

× 145 - should give '£145.00' or similar
× 145 - should give '145 GBP' or similar

Number filters? Some work, some don't

× 145 - 'at_most: 100' should give '100' from an input of 145
× 45 - 'at_least: 100' should give '100' from an input of 45
✔ 5 - 'ceil' should give 5 from an input of 4.6
✔ 34 - 'divided_by' should give 34 from an input of 345

String filters? Some work, some don't

✔ Capitalize me - 'capitalize' should give 'Capitalize me'
✔ Hello, . Goodbye, . - 'remove' should give 'Hello, . Goodbye, .'
✔ ell - 'slice' should give 'ell'
✔ Hello World - 'strip_html' should give 'Hello World'
× coming-soon - 'camelcase' should give 'ComingSoon'
× ShopifyIsAwesome! - 'sha1' should give 'c7322e3812d3da7bc621300ca1797517c34f63b6'
× 10 - 'pluralize' should give '10 items'

Utility filters? Some work, some don't

× - 'time_tag' should give a date/time string wrapped in html time tags

jsonify? See the dev console for the following:

        (function() {
            // Dump the page object to a JS variable - note we have to strip or escape the html
            var jk = {{ page | jsonify | strip_html }};


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